1 My tester teaser trailer - BERRY ~ Prototype productions

Friday 27 April 2012

My tester teaser trailer - BERRY

This is a tester teaser trailer i made outside of college with a friend. I just wanted to test out my ideas and have a go at using the camera and just gaining a little feel. I did it because i thought it would be fun and i could show the rest of my group my idea.

Althought my tester wasn't to be serious, scripted and planned i payed attention to things that i could potentially use in the real teaser trailer. In my tester teaser trailer i ensured my actress was wearing a white dress to represent her purity and cleanliness. It showed she was the victim and made her look vulnerable and innocent.

I decided to film during the night time to reflect the horror genre and because i wanted to follow the popular convention in horror films as they usually involve alot of darkness.

I also used a point of view throughout so the viewers would be watching the trailer through the eyes of the killer. This allowed them to also see the victim and her NVC.

My tester trailer began with a small amount of light as we proceeded the lighting decreased this foreshadowed her killing and represented the fact that the chase was coming to an end.

This tester teaser trailer was alot of fun and definetly gave me some ideas.


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